“In Japanese painting, you always try to keep the feeling of a beginner…It’s this kind of forward-looking attitude: You can always grow and you can always improve, and the practice of today is the practice of the day and it will always bring you forward.”
Celebrating our sketches – July 2019
In the more than 100 sketches you created this month, there were mountains and meadows of wildflowers; there were winding coastal paths and cascading waterfalls. Thank you for sharing the inspiration you found in the natural landscapes around you.
Celebrating our sketches – June 2019
Our June challenge celebrates the verdant arrival of summer, and the beautiful moments you captured in nature this month. You found beauty in meadows and mountains, in quiet country lanes and rolling farmland, and right in your very own backyards.
Celebrating our sketches – May 2019
This month’s theme was inspired by a quote from poet Fernando Pessoa. To me, his words perfectly sum up the essence of our challenges: that each moment is the moment it is, and that sketching helps us capture more singular moments from our lives.
Why I Sketch: Katherine from England
“Sketching outdoors is like an experience. I have to be out in the elements and use all my senses: What can I hear, what can I see, what can I smell? That’s all part of it. I love the wind on my face, the wind taking the paint, or the rain going onto the page.”